Radon Testing

New York State and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recommend that you should test for radon before buying a home.

CTR’s Dual Sample Radon Test

For a small fee, CTR Home Inspections will test your home for radon. Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. Our short-term test kits are engineered specifically for real estate transactions. Two samples are collected at the time of inspection. An independent lab completes the analysis. We will present the results to you.

What is Radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that permeates through the ground and makes its way into homes. Radon infiltrates homes most often through basements and crawl spaces. Your home can be new or old, sealed or drafty. As a gas, radon can get in.

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CTR Home Inspections services Rockland County, Orange County, Westchester County and the Rockaways in NY, and Bergen County and Passaic County in NJ. Call or text us to schedule your inspection.

EPA Recommendations for Homebuyers

For a new home, ask if radon-resistant construction features were used and if the home has been tested.

Fix the home if the radon level is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher. Radon levels less than 4 pCi/L still pose a risk and, in many cases, may be reduced.

Take steps to prevent device interference when conducting a radon test.

Call on CTR Home Inspections for your radon test.

Check for Radon Every Two Years

There is no way to predict which home has radon. One home on the block may have high levels, while nearby homes don’t. Seasonal changes impact radon levels too. Heating and cooling your home creates negative pressure that can suck radon into homes. We recommend you recheck your home every two years.

Radon is a Leading Cause of Cancer

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking cigarettes and is the leading cause of cancer for non-smokers. About 21,000 people die every year from radon’s toxicity, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. No radon level is safe, but the EPA recommends that levels above 4 pCi/L are mitigated.

Prevelance of Radon in the Hudson Valley

Throughout our area, radon levels are often high enough to require mitigation. Mitigation simply means to install a system to control levels of radon. If mitigation is needed, CTR can recommend reputable and licensed mitigation experts.